C.S. West & Associates CPAs of Tampa Bay


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Hey Entrepreneurs: Don’t Get Caught in the ERC Trap!

As of March 29, 2024, the IRS is waving a big red flag about a sneaky pitfall on the rise: dubious claims surrounding the Employee Retention Credit (ERC). It’s all part of this year’s “Dirty Dozen” buzz, and here’s the lowdown: some pretty persuasive folks are out there pushing iffy ERC claims that could land businesses in a whole heap of trouble—think penalties, interest piles, and even the threat of criminal charges. Yikes!

In a twist that reads more like a thriller, the IRS has unveiled that its crackdown on these sketchy claims has uncovered over a cool billion dollars in questionable filings. And they’re just warming up. Got an ERC claim hanging in the balance? The IRS is offering a get-out-of-jail-free card: an option to withdraw those claims and dodge the drama.

But wait, there’s a plot twist: not all hope is lost. The IRS isn’t just about doom and gloom. They’re here to guide businesses through the murky waters of ERC claims. Think of them as your financial guardian angels, urging you to team up with a trusty tax professional before diving into the ERC deep end. After all, no one wants to be bait for those marketing sharks out there, promising big bucks for a hefty cut.

Why the fuss? Well, the ERC, a lifeline during the pandemic for businesses keeping their teams employed, has been tangled up in misleading marketing tactics that simplify or outright twist the eligibility rules. The IRS is stepping in to clean house and keep businesses safe from making claims that could backfire spectacularly.

Red Alert: Spotting the ERC Red Flags

The IRS is on a mission to help businesses spot the danger signs of a shaky ERC claim:

  • Claiming the credit for too many quarters? Alarm bells should ring.
  • Misinterpreting government orders or overreaching eligibility? Big red flag.
  • Dodgy calculations or stretching the truth on how your business was impacted? Time to hit pause and reassess.

Don’t take the bait. The IRS has armed businesses with a treasure trove of resources, including an ERC Eligibility Checklist and FAQs that cut through the confusion and misinformation.

The Takeaway?

Navigating the ERC doesn’t have to be a high-stakes gamble. With the IRS’s latest guidance and a little savvy advice from a trusted tax pro, businesses can steer clear of the murky depths of questionable claims. It’s all about making informed decisions and keeping your business on the straight and narrow. So, before you leap at the promise of easy money, remember when it comes to the ERC, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stay informed, stay cautious, and sail smoothly through tax season without falling prey to the latest financial flimflam.


CS West & Associates, located in the Brandon area of Tampa Bay, is fully qualified to advise you on all your business tax issues. If you need assistance, please contact us today 813-344-1784

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Cedrick and Sophia West co-founded C. S. West & Associates, PA in 2014 and specialize in Accounting, Divorce Financial Planning, Business Consulting and Tax Planning.

C.S. West & Associates

1115 Professional Park Dr.
Brandon, FL 33511



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